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VMware on Linux

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VMWare Virtualization Tools Linux
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I understand that many of you newcomers to Linux from Windows sometimes prefer to use VMWare coz that’s what you are used to. Although I would highly recommend Virt-Manager as it’s Kernel based. But for you who prefer the former follow the guide below..



All packages compile from the AUR, but if you are on XeroLinux or have the Chaotic-AUR repos they will simply just install, no compilation needed.

  • Grab the packages
paru/yay -S vmware-workstation vmware-unlocker-bin vmware-keymaps
  • Activate Networking & other services :
sudo modprobe -a vmw_vmci vmmon
sudo systemctl enable --now vmware-networks.service
sudo systemctl enable --now vmware-usbarbitrator.service

Finally there’s the matter of the Linux Guest OS, to set the correct resolution, it has to come with certain packages but in any case I will show you how to install them and enable. Note that the xf86-video-vmware package is for X11/Xorg only not for Wayland as the name implies.

To install & enable the service inside Linux guest just run :

sudo pacman -S xf86-video-vmware open-vm-tools
sudo systemctl enable --now vmtoolsd


If resolution does not get fixed and you are stuck at low, then you might need consult the follwing detailed Docs (Arch) » VMWare Setup or VMTools.

If you are installing another guest, like Ubuntu, Debian or anything else you will have to find relevant info on your own, I only know and use Arch.

Yet another tool to add to the arsenal. Best of luck.


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