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Add XeroLinux Repo

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XeroLinux Repo Arch ArchLinux Linux
I create content about Linux & FOSS software. You’ll find me rocking ArchLinux with KDE Plasma, probably helping somebody with a question. 😎

Hey there…

I was recently asked if my Repo can be added to other Arch-Based Distros, short answer is yes of course you can. I will be showing you how below. Just note that my repo usually contains stuff I deem necessary, but in case you find some stuff that can be useful to you on ArchLinux feel free to add it.

Run below command :

echo -e '\n[xerolinux]\nSigLevel = Optional TrustAll\nServer =$repo/$arch' | sudo tee -a /etc/pacman.conf

That’s basically it, now update database with sudo pacman -Syyu and you will notice my repo part of the update.

Cheers :heart:


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