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Fresh New Look

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XeroLinux Site Design
I create content about Linux & FOSS software. You’ll find me rocking ArchLinux with KDE Plasma, probably helping somebody with a question. 😎
Table of Contents

Not Again !

Yep, again lol… I dunno what else to say. I will keep trying different designs out until I am satisfied. But if all goes well, this will be the last time, who knows ? FOr now enjoy the new look n feel. I really hope you like it. I need to thank Zaney for letting me know about this awesome theme. I am still figuring it out as I go. If you can help feel free to let me know.

What is it ?

Well, if you do not know, this site is using Hugo with a theme called Blowfish. Great combo if you ask me. So many features to go through. I did not even scratch the surface yet. Things will get better soon.

What about your other blog ?

That’s a tricky question. Consider the other blog as my journal, where I post my thoughts and feelings about things that are happening in the FOSS world. Here I will be posting updates related to my various projects, as well as some other Open Source news/articles.

And the Forum ?

The XeroLinux Forums will be closed down by the end of this month once I have ported over all releveant posts from it. So do not be surprised if you come looking and you don’t find them.

Closing words

I know this might be a lot to take in. I am trying to organize things to the best of my abilities. I will be putting everything under one roof, this one. My “Journal” however will remain coz I do not want to tarnish this site with my ramblings.

Until then let me know what you think of this new look. If you have any suggestions or ideas on how I can make it all better feel free to let me know how. Thanks for reading this. Here’s to future posts…

Cheers :heart:


Fresh New Look
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XeroLinux Site Design
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XeroLinux Help Design ArchLinux Merch Linux
Help Needed
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XeroLinux Help Design ArchLinux Merch Linux