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PacSeek TUI

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Package Manager TUI Arch Tools Linux
I create content about Linux & FOSS software. You’ll find me rocking ArchLinux with KDE Plasma, probably helping somebody with a question. 😎
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I just found a neat little tool called “Pacseek” which is a terminal user interface for searching and installing Arch Linux packages…


What is it?

Pacseek is terminal user interface, written in Rust which allows you to browse and search through the Arch Linux package databases as well as the Arch User Repository.

How to get it ?

There are multiple ways to get it, but for sake of completeness, we will get it from the AUR. To install it from there, just use the following command:

paru/yay -S pacseek-bin

Closing words

I use this on a daily. It’s highly recommended for the G33ks out there who love the terminal like I do. If you prefer GUIs then this is not for you, instead use something you prefer. Anyway below is a link to project Github


A terminal user interface for searching and installing Arch Linux packages



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